Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Arnold Schnetzer Part 4, 1960s

  • 1960, trip back home from Sao Paolo
  • 1960, Lebanon Township teacher articles
  • 1961, Arnold joins the Peace Corps
  • 1967, teaches Technology for Children

1960 age 29

Arnold P. Schnetzer, American, arrives 24 August 1960 to New York NY on PanAmerican Airline, flight 204, from Sao Paolo, presumably coming back from one of his trips to Brazil

Arnold P. Schnetzer Passenger List
PanAmerican flight 204 returning from
Sao Paulo, landing in New York
Residence R.D.Asbury NH
Passport number 2349206

in other news -- World subsurface circumnavigation by US sub Triton; first weather satellite, the Tiros I, starts; Laser is developed; Pantyhose is a thing, gets a leg up, so to speak (, 2018).

The Courier-News, Bridgewater, New Jersey
21 October 1960 page 9.  Downloaded on 9 June 2018

Teacher Group Elects Officers Woodglen – Lebanon Township Teachers’ Association was organized at a recent meeting and Mrs. Edna Kappler was named president.  … Other chairmen named:  … entertainment, Arnold Schnetzer ….

The Courier-News, Bridgewater, New Jersey
3 September 1960 page 3.  Downloaded 8 June 2018

High Bridge Grade School Expects 425High Bridge -- … The principal reported that two members of the faculty who have been out of the country most of the Summer returned this week.  Arnold Schnetzer, fourth grade teacher, spent eight weeks in Brazil.

The Courier-News, Bridgewater, New Jersey
10 November 1960, page 10.
Downloaded on 9 June 2018

Teacher Pay Guide StudiedWoodglen – A salary guide for teachers was discussed by Lebanon Township Board of Education Tuesday Night.  The board voted to adjust the contract of Arnold Schnetzer, fourth grade teacher, to $5,200 annually.  The extra $200 covers the A.B. degree Schnetzer received last June from Paterson State Teachers College.

1961 age 30


The Central New Jersey Home News (New Brunswick, New Jersey)
17 Jul 1961, Mon ·  Main Edition ·  Page 8
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Four From Jersey Join Peace CorpsThe four are:  Arnold Paul Schnetzer, 30, Asbury, N.J., Paterson State College ….  This particular Peace Corps contingent will undergo training for work in rural areas of Chile.Washington (AP) – Four young people from New Jersey are among 42 who will soon begin Peace Corps training at Notre Dame University, the Corps announced yesterday.

The Courier-News (Bridgewater, New Jersey)
26 Jul 1961, Wed ·  Other Editions ·  Page 5
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Peace Corpsman To Start TrainingWoodglen – Arnold Schnetzer of Asbury, who has been fourth grade teacher in Lebanon Township school for the past four years, leaves today for Notre Dame University in South Bend, Indiana, where he will begin a six-week indoctrination course prior to joining the U.S. Peace Corps.Schnetzer recently applied for and received a leave of absence from local teaching duties from the Board of Education so he can enter the corps.The local teacher is a graduate of Paterson State Teachers College.  He will be assigned to Peace Corps duties in Chile when he finishes his indoctrination preparations.  Last Summer he taught school for two months in Brazil.  The Summer of 1959 he spent teaching school in Alaska.

The Courier-News (Bridgewater, New Jersey)
22 May 1961, Mon ·  Other Editions ·  Page 6
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School Gets Donations For Library
Woodglen – Lebanon Township Recreation Association has donated $100 to the elementary school for library books.  Lebanon Township PTA also has contributed $80.
Thirty-one pupils in the Fourth Grade of which Arnold Schnetzer is teacher are on a class trip today to the State House and other Historical spots in Trenton.

The Courier-News (Bridgewater, New Jersey)
22 Aug 1962, Wed ·  Other Editions ·  Page 12
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Temporary Classrooms Are Readied.  Woodglen -- Temporary classrooms for Lebanon Township pupils are being readied to take care of expected heavy enrollment.  The enrollment is expected to top 500 for the first time when school reopens Sept. 5, according to Principal Thomas Mooney.  He said records showed 502 incoming students, or 32 more than were enrolled when school opened last September.  ... Two rooms in the Bunnvale Community Assembly of God Church have been rented by the Board of Education for the coming year.  The fourth grade of 33 pupils, with Arnold Schnetzer teaching, will occupy an upstairs room ....

The Courier-News (Bridgewater, New Jersey)
22 Oct 1962, Mon ·  Other Editions ·  Page 8
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Parents to Visit Lebanon Schools
Woodglen -- The parents of 106 Lebanon Township Elementary school students attending sessions this year in temporary classrooms have been invited to an "open house" Wednesday ... in the classrooms.  ... They also will visit the Assembly of God Church at Bunnvale where Arnold Schnetzer teaches 31 pupils in the fourth grade in all-day sessions .... 

The Courier-News (Bridgewater, New Jersey)
19 Sep 1962, Wed ·  Other Editions ·  Page 7
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Teachers' Group Elects OfficersWoodglen -- Teachers in Lebanon Township elementary school reorganized their Teachers Association yesterday afternoon in the school.  ...  Committees were named as follows: Hospitality, ... Arnold Schnetzer ....

(Wikipedia -- Kennedy, 2018)
John F. Kennedy is President of the US
"We are not here to curse the darkness, 
but to light the candle that can guide us 
thru that darkness to a safe and sane
future" (Kennedy, 2018). 

In Other News -- First human in space, Yuri Gagarin; First US manned spaceflight -- Alan Shephard.  1962 Cuban Missile Crisis (, 2018).

1963 age 32

The Courier-News (Bridgewater, New Jersey)
29 May 1963, Wed ·  Other Editions ·  Page 11
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Course Planned at N. Hunterdon  Annandale -- A summer course in remedial reading for students at North Hunterdon Regional High School, including incoming freshmen, has been planned. ... The remedial reading courses will be taught by ... Arnold Schnetzer, teacher in Lebanon Township school ....

Lyndon B. Johnson, Official White House portrait
(Wikipedia -- Johnson, 2018)
President Kennedy is assassinated,
and Johnson becomes the 36th President
(, 2018)
"The vote is the most powerful instrument ever devised by man for breaking down injustice and destroying the terrible walls which imprison men because they are different from other men" (Johnson, 2018).

In Other News -- The first artificial heart; Compact Cassette recordings are available.  1964  Vietnam war affects everybody until 1975 (, 2018).

1965 age 36  

The Courier-News (Bridgewater, New Jersey)
22 Sep 1965, Wed ·  Other Editions ·  Page 15
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Teacher's Association Chooses Officers  Woodglen -- The Lebanon Township Teachers Association has elected officers ....  Committee chairmen named were: ... educational, Arnold Schnetzer ....

In Other News -- Blacks riot in Watts neighborhood, Los Angeles; First spacewalks ( US, USSR);   1966 age 37 First soft landings on the moon -- US, USSR; 8-track tape players are sold (, 2018).

(The Daily Guru, 2013)

1967 age 36

The Courier-News (Bridgewater, New Jersey)
25 Oct 1967, Wed ·  Other Editions ·  Page 2
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School Qualifies To Participate in State Project -- Woodglen -- Lebanon Township elementary school has been selected as one of 23 elementary schools in New Jersey to participate in the Technology for Children project, sponsored by the state Department of Education with federal aid.  The project will provide tools and materials to develop skills of pupils in working with tools.  ...  The project will include 33 fourth-graders who have been selected on a basis of their ability to use tools by Arnold Schnetzer, foruth [sic] grade teacher, who will direct the local project

In Other News -- Marshall is the first black supreme court justice; the first human heart transplant is successful; Physicist John Wheeler coins the term Black Hole for the first time (, 2018).

1968 age 37

The Courier-News (Bridgewater, New Jersey) ·  11 Sep 1968, Wed ·  Other Editions ·  Page 6
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Technology Program Expanded -- Woodglen -- The technology for children program at Lebanon Township elementary school, which was opened last year with 30 children, has been expanded to 90 fourth graders.  ... It is being directed by Arnold Schnetzer of the faculty.  Instruction is mainly in science and mathematics, although the course touches on other subjects.  ... Instructors come from the local faculty and are paid from the school budget....

The Courier-News (Bridgewater, New Jersey) ·  10 Oct 1968, Thu ·  Other Editions ·  Page 9
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Technology Program To Be Described -- Woodglen -- The technology program being offered children in teh Lebanon Township school will be discussed before the PTA today ... by Arnold Schnetzer, fourth grade teacher ....  

The Courier-News (Bridgewater, New Jersey) ·  07 Mar 1968, Thu ·  Other Editions ·  Page 13
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State Aide Observes 3 Classes -- Woodglen -- James Perusic, director of the Technology for Children program of the sate [sic] Department of Education, spent Monday in the three fourth grade classrooms in Lebanon Township Elementary School, where he observed classroom work.  He also demonstrated teaching methods to be employed in the technological program.  The school is one of 20 in New Jersey designated to participate in the program.  ...  Arnold Schnetzer of the faculty is supervising the program.

The Courier-News (Bridgewater, New Jersey) ·  25 Sep 1968, Wed ·  Main Edition ·  Page 23
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Education Group Elects Officers -- Woodglen -- The Lebanon Township Education Association elected officers MOnday as follows:  ...  Education committee chairman Arnold Schnetzer ....

The Courier-News (Bridgewater, New Jersey) ·  23 Feb 1968, Fri ·  Other Editions ·  Page 4
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Teachers Group Sponsors Dance -- Woodglen -- Lebanon Township Teachers' Association will sponsor a dance for seventh and eighth graders in the local elementary school and Lebanon Township students attending North Hunterdon Regional High School ....  Arnold Schnetzer, fourth grade teacher, has enrolled in the aerospace institute program to be held five Thursday evenings of March in Flemington.

The Courier-News (Bridgewater, New Jersey) ·  06 Apr 1968, Sat ·  Other Editions ·  Page 4Downloaded on Jun 8, 2018 from 

PTA Program Features Games -- Woodglen -- The annual Fathers' Night program was held by Lebanon Township PTA Thursday night in the school.  It featured two basketball games among fifth through eighth grade students and the annual game between a team representing the teachers and the Board of Education.  The annual school science fair also was a feature of the program.  There were 360 exhibits by first through eighth graders.  ... Arnold Schnetzer, faculty members, were in charge of the fair exhibits, set up Wednesday and closed yesterday.

The Courier-News (Bridgewater, New Jersey) ·  25 Mar 1968, Mon ·  Other Editions ·  Page 2
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60 Compete in Tourney -- Woodglen -- More than 60 boys in fifth through eighth grades in the Lebanon Township school are participating in an intra-mural basketball tourney ....  After a school board - faculty game at 8pm, the annual school science exhibit will be held as a part of the PTA program.  It is being directed by Arnold Schnetzer ... of the faculty.

In Other News -- Martin Luther King is assassinated; Robert Kennedy is also assassinated (, 2018).

1969 age 38

The Courier-News (Bridgewater, New Jersey) ·  22 Oct 1969, Wed ·  Other Editions ·  Page 6
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Teachers to Speak -- Califon -- Arnold Schnetzer, a Lebanon Township school teacher, will speak on "Technology for Children" at a PTA meeting in the all-purpose room of the public school today at 8pm.

In Other News -- Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin make the first Moon Landing;  Woodstock Music Festival makes the news; Richard M. Nixon is the President of the US (, 2018).

(Wikipedia -- Nixon, 2018)
"We cannot learn from one another until we stop shouting at one another - until we speak quietly enough so that our words can be heard as well as our voices" (Nixon, 2018) 

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Resources (1960, August 24). New York State, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1917-1967 for Arnold P Schnetzer [database online]. Retrieved from Operations, Inc., 2008.
Johnson, L. B. (2018). Lyndon B. Johnson Quotes. Retrieved from BrainyQuote:
Kennedy, J. F. (2018). John F. Kennedy Quotes. Retrieved from BrainyQuote: (n.d.). Retrieved from
Nixon, R. M. (2018). Richard M. Nixon Quotes. Retrieved from BrainyQuote: (2018). TimeLines. Retrieved from
The Daily Guru. (2013, July 30). The History of The 8-Track -- Music School. Retrieved June 23, 2018, from Youtube:
Wikipedia -- Johnson. (2018, June 23). Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th President. Retrieved June 23, 2018, from Wikipedia:
Wikipedia -- Kennedy. (2018, June 23). John F. Kennedy, 35th President. Retrieved June 23, 2018, from Wikipedia:
Wikipedia -- Nixon. (2018, June 23). Richard Nixon. Retrieved June 25, 2018, from Wikipedia:

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